Thursday, 11 May 2017

How to Stop Snoring: Nora Creates Anti-Snoring Technology for the Home

With more than 100 million snorers in North America, it’s no surprise that constant sleep interruption is a major problem for countless couples. There have been all sorts of remedies introduced, but the best way to stop snoring is to reposition the snorer’s head.

Rather than leave this task to the non-snorer, Nora is a smart, connected device that gently moves the head positioning of the snorer before the non-snorer wakes up. Here’s how it works: A pebble-shape devices sits on the bedside table. Equipped with a sensor, it detects the earliest sounds of snoring, which triggers a padded insert that sits under your pillow. The insert gently moves the pillow. This slight movement of the head stimulates the relaxed throat muscles, allowing the airway to assume its natural position and ultimately stop the snoring.


“Designing a truly non-invasive snoring solution sounds like a contradiction, but our insight into the body’s response to movement has made it possible to do exactly that,” says Behrouz Hariri, co-founder and product lead for Nora. “The best part of the experience so far has been hearing the positive experience of our testers, knowing we have provided a solution that gives them their silent nights back, often after years of sleeping alongside a snoring partner.”

In addition to the anti-snoring devices, a companion app monitors a user’s sleep pattern to provide valuable insight and to see the effects of Nora over time. A feature called Last Night’s Snapshot, for example, calculates how quiet your night was so you can track reduction of snoring.

During normal use at home, Nora doesn’t need to be recharged for at least two weeks. The entire setup is portable and can be taken with you on vacation and business trips. Nora retails for $299, and is available at

The post How to Stop Snoring: Nora Creates Anti-Snoring Technology for the Home appeared first on Electronic House.


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